I love building things! In 2018 I was growing chillis and wanted a smarter way to water them automatically. I did some research and couldn't find anything on the market that would fit my needs and be in the right price-bracket. I wanted a product that could water multiple plants from a single source and allow me to control the different amounts of water for each. It seemed like a simple idea and yet no one had done it. In 2019 I founded Upbine and started work on Flowflux, a smart device for watering plants. As part of this I bought a 3D printer, taught myself parameterised CAD using Autodesk Fusion 360 and got some functional experience with electronics.
What I learnt from that experience is that I really enjoy building things and benefit from deadlines. So 2021's New Years Resolution was to invent something new each month and write a little blurb to talk about it here.